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Our Privacy Policy describes the ways in which we collect, store, use and protect your personal information and it is important for you to review this Privacy Policy. By “personal information” we mean information that can be linked to a specific person and can be used to identify that person.

We do not consider anonymized information to be personal information, as it cannot be used to identify a specific person. We collect personal information from you when you use the relevant Sites and Services (including when you buy and sell goods or when you contact or email our customer support team). By providing us with your personal information, you expressly consent to us processing your personal information in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

We may amend our Privacy Policy at any time by posting a revised version on the Site. The revised version will be effective at the time it is posted, and after such posting, your continued use of the Site will constitute your express consent to our continuing processing of your personal information in accordance with the terms of our revised Privacy Policy.

Our privacy policy covers the following topics:

  1. No spam or phishing emails.
  2. Cookies.
  3. Third party website links.
  4. Accessing, reviewing and modifying your personal information.
  5. Your use of your personal information and information of other users.
  6. Our use of your personal information.
  7. Our collection of your personal information.
  8. Protect your personal information.
  9. How you can contact us with privacy questions.
    Our collection of your personal information

As part of your registration on or use of the Site, you will be asked to provide us with certain personal information, such as your name, shipping address, email address and/or phone number and other similar information as well as some additional information about you such as your date of birth or other identifying information.

In addition, in order for us to verify your identity, we may need to ask you for valid proof of your identity (for example in the form of a copy of your passport, visa or residence permit, national identity card and/or driver's licence).

Following your registration on the Site, you must not post any personal information (including any financial information) anywhere on the Site other than in the Account section of the Site.

Restricting the posting of personal information to the Account section of the Site protects you from the possibility of fraud or identity theft. Your posting of any Personal Information anywhere on the Site other than in the Account section of the Site may lead to suspension of your use of the Site.

We will collect transactional information based on your activities using the Site (such as buying and selling items).